Rubicon Project

I was brought on as a Visual UI Designer to help design, evolve and create innovative B2B SaaS web-based applications. Day to day responsibilities included creation, iteration, and design of complex user interfaces using Photoshop and Omnigraffle. I was also tasked with updating a comprehensive style guide. My Role: Visual Designer Responsibilities include: To help design, evolve and create innovative B2B SaaS web-based applications. Day to day responsibilities included creation, iteration, and design of complex user interfaces using Photoshop and Omnigraffle. I was also tasked with updating a comprehensive style guide.  Sample Screens Below are a few screens I created at the Rubicon Project. I worked directly with the UX Director on them. Style Guide Below are a few screens shots of the 50 page style guide I was tasked with maintaining. The style guide was released bi-weekly to developers, with call outs for the newly updated sections.